"use client" ;
import { useState, useRef, useEffect } from "react" ;
import { Tool } from "@/lib/tools" ;
const useWebRTCAudioSession = ( voice : string , tools ?: Tool []) => {
const [ status , setStatus ] = useState ( "" );
const [ isSessionActive , setIsSessionActive ] = useState ( false );
const audioIndicatorRef = useRef < HTMLDivElement | null >( null );
const audioContextRef = useRef < AudioContext | null >( null );
const audioStreamRef = useRef < MediaStream | null >( null );
const peerConnectionRef = useRef < RTCPeerConnection | null >( null );
const dataChannelRef = useRef < RTCDataChannel | null >( null );
const [ msgs , setMsgs ] = useState < any []>([]);
// Add function registry
const functionRegistry = useRef < Record < string , Function >>({});
const [ currentVolume , setCurrentVolume ] = useState ( 0 );
const analyserRef = useRef < AnalyserNode | null >( null );
const volumeIntervalRef = useRef < number | null >( null );
// Add method to register tool functions
const registerFunction = ( name : string , fn : Function ) => {
functionRegistry.current[name] = fn;
// Add data channel configuration
const configureDataChannel = ( dataChannel : RTCDataChannel ) => {
const sessionUpdate = {
type: 'session.update' ,
session: {
modalities: [ 'text' , 'audio' ],
tools: tools || []
dataChannel. send ( JSON . stringify (sessionUpdate));
// Add data channel message handler
const handleDataChannelMessage = async ( event : MessageEvent ) => {
try {
const msg = JSON . parse (event.data);
if (msg.type === 'response.function_call_arguments.done' ) {
const fn = functionRegistry.current[msg.name];
if (fn) {
const args = JSON . parse (msg.arguments);
const result = await fn (args);
const response = {
type: 'conversation.item.create' ,
item: {
type: 'function_call_output' ,
call_id: msg.call_id,
output: JSON . stringify (result)
dataChannelRef.current?. send ( JSON . stringify (response));
setMsgs ( prevMsgs => [ ... prevMsgs, msg]);
return msg;
} catch (error) {
console. error ( 'Error handling data channel message:' , error);
useEffect (() => {
return () => stopSession ();
}, []);
const getEphemeralToken = async () => {
const response = await fetch ( '/api/session' , {
method: 'POST' ,
headers: {
'Content-Type' : 'application/json' ,
const data = await response. json ();
return data.client_secret.value;
const setupAudioVisualization = ( stream : MediaStream ) => {
const audioContext = new AudioContext ();
const source = audioContext. createMediaStreamSource (stream);
const analyzer = audioContext. createAnalyser ();
analyzer.fftSize = 256 ;
source. connect (analyzer);
const bufferLength = analyzer.frequencyBinCount;
const dataArray = new Uint8Array (bufferLength);
const updateIndicator = () => {
if ( ! audioContext) return ;
analyzer. getByteFrequencyData (dataArray);
const average = dataArray. reduce (( a , b ) => a + b) / bufferLength;
if (audioIndicatorRef.current) {
audioIndicatorRef.current.classList. toggle ( "active" , average > 30 );
requestAnimationFrame (updateIndicator);
updateIndicator ();
audioContextRef.current = audioContext;
const getVolume = () : number => {
if ( ! analyserRef.current) return 0 ;
const dataArray = new Uint8Array (analyserRef.current.frequencyBinCount);
analyserRef.current. getByteTimeDomainData (dataArray);
// Calculate RMS (Root Mean Square)
let sum = 0 ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < dataArray. length ; i ++ ) {
const float = (dataArray[i] - 128 ) / 128 ;
sum += float * float;
return Math. sqrt (sum / dataArray. length );
const startSession = async () => {
try {
setStatus ( "Requesting microphone access..." );
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices. getUserMedia ({ audio: true });
audioStreamRef.current = stream;
setupAudioVisualization (stream);
setStatus ( "Fetching ephemeral token..." );
const ephemeralToken = await getEphemeralToken ();
setStatus ( "Establishing connection..." );
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection ();
const audioEl = document. createElement ( "audio" );
audioEl.autoplay = true ;
pc. ontrack = ( e ) => {
audioEl.srcObject = e.streams[ 0 ];
// Set up audio analysis
const audioContext = new (window.AudioContext || window.AudioContext)();
const source = audioContext. createMediaStreamSource (e.streams[ 0 ]);
const analyser = audioContext. createAnalyser ();
analyser.fftSize = 256 ;
source. connect (analyser);
analyserRef.current = analyser;
// Start volume monitoring
volumeIntervalRef.current = window. setInterval (() => {
const volume = getVolume ();
setCurrentVolume (volume);
// Optional: Log when speech is detected
if (volume > 0.1 ) {
console. log ( 'Speech detected with volume:' , volume);
}, 100 );
// Add data channel
const dataChannel = pc. createDataChannel ( 'response' );
dataChannelRef.current = dataChannel;
dataChannel. onopen = () => {
configureDataChannel (dataChannel);
dataChannel.onmessage = handleDataChannelMessage;
pc. addTrack (stream. getTracks ()[ 0 ]);
const offer = await pc. createOffer ();
await pc. setLocalDescription (offer);
const baseUrl = "https://api.openai.com/v1/realtime" ;
const model = "gpt-4o-realtime-preview-2024-12-17" ;
const response = await fetch ( `${ baseUrl }?model=${ model }&voice=${ voice }` , {
method: "POST" ,
body: offer.sdp,
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${ ephemeralToken }` ,
"Content-Type" : "application/sdp" ,
await pc. setRemoteDescription ({
type: "answer" ,
sdp: await response. text (),
peerConnectionRef.current = pc;
setIsSessionActive ( true );
setStatus ( "Session established successfully!" );
} catch (err) {
console. error (err);
setStatus ( `Error: ${ err }` );
stopSession ();
const stopSession = () => {
if (dataChannelRef.current) {
dataChannelRef.current. close ();
dataChannelRef.current = null ;
if (peerConnectionRef.current) {
peerConnectionRef.current. close ();
peerConnectionRef.current = null ;
if (audioContextRef.current) {
audioContextRef.current. close ();
audioContextRef.current = null ;
if (audioStreamRef.current) {
audioStreamRef.current. getTracks (). forEach (( track ) => track. stop ());
audioStreamRef.current = null ;
if (audioIndicatorRef.current) {
audioIndicatorRef.current.classList. remove ( "active" );
if (volumeIntervalRef.current) {
clearInterval (volumeIntervalRef.current);
volumeIntervalRef.current = null ;
if (analyserRef.current) {
analyserRef.current = null ;
setCurrentVolume ( 0 );
setIsSessionActive ( false );
setStatus ( "" );
setMsgs ([]);
const handleStartStopClick = () => {
if (isSessionActive) {
stopSession ();
} else {
startSession ();
return {
export default useWebRTCAudioSession;