import { PhoneCallIcon, MicIcon, AudioLines} from 'lucide-react' ;
import React, { useState } from 'react' ;
import { motion } from 'framer-motion' ;
import useWebRTCAudioSession from '@/hooks/use-webrtc' ;
const FloatingCircle = ({ isActive , volumeLevel , handleClick } : { isActive : boolean , volumeLevel : number , handleClick : () => void }) => {
const getIcon = () => {
if ( ! isActive) {
return < PhoneCallIcon className = "text-secondary" />;
} else if (isActive && volumeLevel > 0 ) {
return < AudioLines className = "text-secondary" />;
} else {
return < MicIcon className = "text-secondary" />;
return (
< div className = "fixed bottom-5 right-5 z-50" >
< div className = "relative flex items-center justify-center w-16 h-16" >
{isActive && volumeLevel > 0 && (
< motion.div
className = "absolute w-16 h-16 rounded-full bg-foreground z-0"
initial = {{ scale: 1 , opacity: 0.5 }}
animate = {{ scale: 2 , opacity: 0 }}
transition = {{ duration: 1.5 , repeat: Infinity , repeatDelay: 0.5 }}
< motion.div
className = "absolute w-16 h-16 rounded-full bg-foreground z-0"
initial = {{ scale: 1 , opacity: 0.5 }}
animate = {{ scale: 2 , opacity: 0 }}
transition = {{ duration: 1.5 , repeat: Infinity , repeatDelay: 1 }}
< motion.div
className = "absolute w-16 h-16 rounded-full bg-foreground z-0"
initial = {{ scale: 1 , opacity: 0.5 }}
animate = {{ scale: 2 , opacity: 0 }}
transition = {{ duration: 1.5 , repeat: Infinity , repeatDelay: 1.5 }}
< div
className = "relative flex items-center justify-center w-16 h-16 rounded-full shadow-xl cursor-pointer z-10 bg-foreground"
onClick = {handleClick}
{ getIcon ()}
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
const FloatyExample = () => {
const [ showCircle , setShowCircle ] = useState ( false );
const { currentVolume , isSessionActive , handleStartStopClick } = useWebRTCAudioSession ( 'alloy' );
const handleButtonClick = () => {
setShowCircle ( ! showCircle);
return (
< div className = "flex flex-col items-center justify-center min-h-full gap-4" >
< button
onClick = {handleButtonClick}
className = "px-4 py-2 rounded-lg text-sm shadow-md focus:outline-none border hover:bg-primary-dark transition-colors duration-200 ease-in-out"
Toggle Floaty
</ button >
< p className = "text-sm text-muted-foreground" >Click to toggle floaty in bottom right corner of the screen.</ p >
{showCircle && (
< FloatingCircle
isActive = {isSessionActive}
volumeLevel = {currentVolume}
handleClick = {handleStartStopClick}
</ div >
export default FloatyExample;