"use client" ;
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react" ;
import * as THREE from "three" ;
import { createNoise3D } from "simplex-noise" ;
import useWebRTCAudioSession from "@/hooks/use-webrtc" ;
import { Label } from "../ui/label" ;
import { Slider } from "../ui/slider" ;
const Orb : React . FC <{ intensity ?: number }> = ({ intensity = 3 }) => {
const { currentVolume , isSessionActive , handleStartStopClick } = useWebRTCAudioSession ( 'alloy' );
const rendererRef = useRef < THREE . WebGLRenderer | null >( null );
const sceneRef = useRef < THREE . Scene | null >( null );
const groupRef = useRef < THREE . Group | null >( null );
const cameraRef = useRef < THREE . PerspectiveCamera | null >( null );
const ballRef = useRef < THREE . Mesh | null >( null );
const originalPositionsRef = useRef < any | null >( null );
const noise = createNoise3D ();
useEffect (() => {
initViz ();
window. addEventListener ( "resize" , onWindowResize);
return () => {
window. removeEventListener ( "resize" , onWindowResize);
}, []);
useEffect (() => {
if (isSessionActive && ballRef.current) {
updateBallMorph (ballRef.current, currentVolume);
} else if (
! isSessionActive &&
ballRef.current &&
) {
resetBallMorph (ballRef.current, originalPositionsRef.current);
}, [currentVolume, isSessionActive]);
const initViz = () => {
const scene = new THREE . Scene ();
const group = new THREE . Group ();
const camera = new THREE . PerspectiveCamera (
20 ,
1 ,
1 ,
100 ,
camera.position. set ( 0 , 0 , 100 );
camera. lookAt (scene.position);
scene. add (camera);
sceneRef.current = scene;
groupRef.current = group;
cameraRef.current = camera;
const renderer = new THREE . WebGLRenderer ({ alpha: true , antialias: true });
const outElement = document. getElementById ( "out" );
if (outElement) {
outElement.innerHTML = "" ; // Clear any existing renderer
outElement. appendChild (renderer.domElement);
// Set renderer size to match container width
const width = outElement.clientWidth;
renderer. setSize (width, width);
// Style the canvas element to maintain aspect ratio
renderer.domElement.style.width = '100%' ;
renderer.domElement.style.height = '100%' ;
renderer.domElement.style.objectFit = 'contain' ;
rendererRef.current = renderer;
const icosahedronGeometry = new THREE . IcosahedronGeometry ( 10 , 8 );
const lambertMaterial = new THREE . MeshLambertMaterial ({
color: 0xffffff ,
wireframe: true ,
const ball = new THREE . Mesh (icosahedronGeometry, lambertMaterial);
ball.position. set ( 0 , 0 , 0 );
ballRef.current = ball;
// Store the original positions of the vertices
originalPositionsRef.current =
ball.geometry.attributes.position.array. slice ();
group. add (ball);
const ambientLight = new THREE . AmbientLight ( 0xffffff , 0.5 );
scene. add (ambientLight);
const spotLight = new THREE . SpotLight ( 0xffffff );
spotLight.intensity = 0.9 ;
spotLight.position. set ( - 10 , 40 , 20 );
spotLight. lookAt (ball.position);
spotLight.castShadow = true ;
scene. add (spotLight);
scene. add (group);
render ();
const render = () => {
if (
! groupRef.current ||
! ballRef.current ||
! cameraRef.current ||
! rendererRef.current ||
! sceneRef.current
) {
return ;
groupRef.current.rotation.y += 0.005 ;
rendererRef.current. render (sceneRef.current, cameraRef.current);
requestAnimationFrame (render);
const onWindowResize = () => {
if ( ! cameraRef.current || ! rendererRef.current) return ;
const outElement = document. getElementById ( "out" );
if (outElement) {
const width = outElement.clientWidth;
rendererRef.current. setSize (width, width);
cameraRef.current.aspect = 1 ;
cameraRef.current. updateProjectionMatrix ();
const updateBallMorph = ( mesh : THREE . Mesh , volume : number ) => {
const geometry = mesh.geometry as THREE . BufferGeometry ;
const positionAttribute = geometry. getAttribute ( "position" );
for ( let i = 0 ; i < positionAttribute.count; i ++ ) {
const vertex = new THREE . Vector3 (
positionAttribute. getX (i),
positionAttribute. getY (i),
positionAttribute. getZ (i),
const offset = 10 ; // Radius of the icosahedron
const amp = 2.5 ; // Dramatic effect
const time = window.performance. now ();
vertex. normalize ();
const rf = 0.00001 ;
const distance =
offset +
volume * 4 * intensity + // Apply intensity to volume effect
noise (
vertex.x + time * rf * 7 ,
vertex.y + time * rf * 8 ,
vertex.z + time * rf * 9 ,
) *
amp *
volume * intensity; // Apply intensity to noise effect
vertex. multiplyScalar (distance);
positionAttribute. setXYZ (i, vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z);
positionAttribute.needsUpdate = true ;
geometry. computeVertexNormals ();
const resetBallMorph = (
mesh : THREE . Mesh ,
originalPositions : Float32Array ,
) => {
const geometry = mesh.geometry as THREE . BufferGeometry ;
const positionAttribute = geometry. getAttribute ( "position" );
for ( let i = 0 ; i < positionAttribute.count; i ++ ) {
positionAttribute. setXYZ (
originalPositions[i * 3 ],
originalPositions[i * 3 + 1 ],
originalPositions[i * 3 + 2 ],
positionAttribute.needsUpdate = true ;
geometry. computeVertexNormals ();
return (
< div style = {{ height: "100%" , width: "100%" }}>
< div
id = "out"
className = "hover:cursor-pointer aspect-square w-full"
onClick = {handleStartStopClick}
></ div >
</ div >
const OrbShowcase = () => {
const [ intensity , setIntensity ] = React. useState ( 3 );
return (
< div className = "p-6 space-y-4 w-full justify-center items-center flex flex-col" >
< div className = "aspect-square max-h-96" >
< Orb intensity = {intensity} />
</ div >
< p className = "text-sm text-center" >Click to toggle conversation</ p >
< div className = "w-full max-w-md mx-auto py-6" >
< Label htmlFor = "intensity" className = "block text-sm font-medium mb-2" >
Animation Intensity: {intensity. toFixed ( 1 )}
</ Label >
< Slider
defaultValue = {[ 3 ]}
min = { 0.5 }
max = { 12 }
step = { 0.5 }
value = {[intensity]}
onValueChange = {([ value ]) => setIntensity (value)}
className = "w-full"
</ div >
</ div >
export default OrbShowcase;