Dynamic Island This component adds an animated transcript in-place. Preview Start Call Component Copy the following code to your component file for example dynamic-island.tsx. "use client"; import React, { ReactNode, createContext, useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useReducer, useRef, useState, } from "react" import { AnimatePresence, motion, useWillChange } from "framer-motion" const stiffness = 400 const damping = 30 const MIN_WIDTH = 691 const MAX_HEIGHT_MOBILE_ULTRA = 400 const MAX_HEIGHT_MOBILE_MASSIVE = 700 const min = (a: number, b: number) => (a < b ? a : b) export type SizePresets = | "reset" | "empty" | "default" | "compact" | "compactLong" | "large" | "long" | "minimalLeading" | "minimalTrailing" | "compactMedium" | "medium" | "tall" | "ultra" | "massive" const SIZE_PRESETS = { RESET: "reset", EMPTY: "empty", DEFAULT: "default", COMPACT: "compact", COMPACT_LONG: "compactLong", LARGE: "large", LONG: "long", MINIMAL_LEADING: "minimalLeading", MINIMAL_TRAILING: "minimalTrailing", COMPACT_MEDIUM: "compactMedium", MEDIUM: "medium", TALL: "tall", ULTRA: "ultra", MASSIVE: "massive", } as const type Preset = { width: number height?: number aspectRatio: number borderRadius: number } const DynamicIslandSizePresets: Record<SizePresets, Preset> = { [SIZE_PRESETS.RESET]: { width: 150, aspectRatio: 1, borderRadius: 20, }, [SIZE_PRESETS.EMPTY]: { width: 0, aspectRatio: 0, borderRadius: 0, }, [SIZE_PRESETS.DEFAULT]: { width: 150, aspectRatio: 44 / 150, borderRadius: 46, }, [SIZE_PRESETS.MINIMAL_LEADING]: { width: 52.33, aspectRatio: 44 / 52.33, borderRadius: 22, }, [SIZE_PRESETS.MINIMAL_TRAILING]: { width: 52.33, aspectRatio: 44 / 52.33, borderRadius: 22, }, [SIZE_PRESETS.COMPACT]: { width: 235, aspectRatio: 44 / 235, borderRadius: 46, }, [SIZE_PRESETS.COMPACT_LONG]: { width: 300, aspectRatio: 44 / 235, borderRadius: 46, }, [SIZE_PRESETS.COMPACT_MEDIUM]: { width: 351, aspectRatio: 64 / 371, borderRadius: 44, }, [SIZE_PRESETS.LONG]: { width: 371, aspectRatio: 84 / 371, borderRadius: 42, }, [SIZE_PRESETS.MEDIUM]: { width: 371, aspectRatio: 210 / 371, borderRadius: 22, }, [SIZE_PRESETS.LARGE]: { width: 371, aspectRatio: 84 / 371, borderRadius: 42, }, [SIZE_PRESETS.TALL]: { width: 371, aspectRatio: 210 / 371, borderRadius: 42, }, [SIZE_PRESETS.ULTRA]: { width: 630, aspectRatio: 630 / 800, borderRadius: 42, }, [SIZE_PRESETS.MASSIVE]: { width: 891, height: 1900, aspectRatio: 891 / 891, borderRadius: 42, }, } type BlobStateType = { size: SizePresets previousSize: SizePresets | undefined animationQueue: Array<{ size: SizePresets; delay: number }> isAnimating: boolean } type BlobAction = | { type: "SET_SIZE"; newSize: SizePresets } | { type: "INITIALIZE"; firstState: SizePresets } | { type: "SCHEDULE_ANIMATION" animationSteps: Array<{ size: SizePresets; delay: number }> } | { type: "ANIMATION_END" } type BlobContextType = { state: BlobStateType dispatch: React.Dispatch<BlobAction> setSize: (size: SizePresets) => void scheduleAnimation: ( animationSteps: Array<{ size: SizePresets; delay: number }> ) => void presets: Record<SizePresets, Preset> } const BlobContext = createContext<BlobContextType | undefined>(undefined) const blobReducer = ( state: BlobStateType, action: BlobAction ): BlobStateType => { switch (action.type) { case "SET_SIZE": return { ...state, size: action.newSize, previousSize: state.size, isAnimating: false, // Only set isAnimating to true if there are more steps } case "SCHEDULE_ANIMATION": return { ...state, animationQueue: action.animationSteps, isAnimating: action.animationSteps.length > 0, } case "INITIALIZE": return { ...state, size: action.firstState, previousSize: SIZE_PRESETS.EMPTY, isAnimating: false, } case "ANIMATION_END": return { ...state, isAnimating: false, } default: return state } } interface DynamicIslandProviderProps { children: React.ReactNode initialSize?: SizePresets initialAnimation?: Array<{ size: SizePresets; delay: number }> } const DynamicIslandProvider: React.FC<DynamicIslandProviderProps> = ({ children, initialSize = SIZE_PRESETS.DEFAULT, initialAnimation = [], }) => { const initialState: BlobStateType = { size: initialSize, previousSize: SIZE_PRESETS.EMPTY, animationQueue: initialAnimation, isAnimating: initialAnimation.length > 0, } const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(blobReducer, initialState) useEffect(() => { const processQueue = async () => { for (const step of state.animationQueue) { await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, step.delay)) dispatch({ type: "SET_SIZE", newSize: step.size }) } dispatch({ type: "ANIMATION_END" }) } if (state.animationQueue.length > 0) { processQueue() } }, [state.animationQueue]) const setSize = useCallback( (newSize: SizePresets) => { if (state.previousSize !== newSize && newSize !== state.size) { dispatch({ type: "SET_SIZE", newSize }) } }, [state.previousSize, state.size, dispatch] ) const scheduleAnimation = useCallback( (animationSteps: Array<{ size: SizePresets; delay: number }>) => { dispatch({ type: "SCHEDULE_ANIMATION", animationSteps }) }, [dispatch] ) const contextValue = { state, dispatch, setSize, scheduleAnimation, presets: DynamicIslandSizePresets, } return ( <BlobContext.Provider value={contextValue}>{children}</BlobContext.Provider> ) } const useDynamicIslandSize = () => { const context = useContext(BlobContext) if (!context) { throw new Error( "useDynamicIslandSize must be used within a DynamicIslandProvider" ) } return context } const useScheduledAnimations = ( animations: Array<{ size: SizePresets; delay: number }> ) => { const { scheduleAnimation } = useDynamicIslandSize() const animationsRef = useRef(animations) useEffect(() => { scheduleAnimation(animationsRef.current) }, [scheduleAnimation]) } const DynamicIslandContainer = ({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) => { return ( <div className="z-10 flex h-full w-full items-end justify-center bg-transparent"> {children} </div> ) } const DynamicIsland = ({ children, id, ...props }: { children: ReactNode id: string }) => { const willChange = useWillChange() const [screenSize, setScreenSize] = useState("desktop") useEffect(() => { const handleResize = () => { if (window.innerWidth <= 640) { setScreenSize("mobile") } else if (window.innerWidth <= 1024) { setScreenSize("tablet") } else { setScreenSize("desktop") } } handleResize() window.addEventListener("resize", handleResize) return () => window.removeEventListener("resize", handleResize) }, []) return ( <DynamicIslandContainer> <DynamicIslandContent id={id} willChange={willChange} screenSize={screenSize} {...props} > {children} </DynamicIslandContent> </DynamicIslandContainer> ) } const calculateDimensions = ( size: SizePresets, screenSize: string, currentSize: Preset ): { width: string; height: number } => { const isMassiveOnMobile = size === "massive" && screenSize === "mobile" const isUltraOnMobile = size === "ultra" && screenSize === "mobile" if (isMassiveOnMobile) { return { width: "350px", height: MAX_HEIGHT_MOBILE_MASSIVE } } if (isUltraOnMobile) { return { width: "350px", height: MAX_HEIGHT_MOBILE_ULTRA } } const width = min(currentSize.width, MIN_WIDTH) return { width: `${width}px`, height: currentSize.aspectRatio * width } } const DynamicIslandContent = ({ children, id, willChange, screenSize, ...props }: { children: React.ReactNode id: string willChange: any screenSize: string [key: string]: any }) => { const { state, presets } = useDynamicIslandSize() const currentSize = presets[state.size] const dimensions = calculateDimensions(state.size, screenSize, currentSize) return ( <motion.div id={id} className="mx-auto h-0 w-0 items-center justify-center border border-black/10 bg-black text-center text-black transition duration-300 ease-in-out focus-within:bg-neutral-900 hover:shadow-md dark:border dark:border-white/5 dark:focus-within:bg-black" animate={{ width: dimensions.width, height: dimensions.height, borderRadius: currentSize.borderRadius, transition: { type: "spring", stiffness, damping, }, clipPath: `none`, transitionEnd: { clipPath: `url(#squircle-${state.size})`, }, }} style={{ willChange }} {...props} > <AnimatePresence>{children}</AnimatePresence> </motion.div> ) } type DynamicContainerProps = { className?: string children?: React.ReactNode } const DynamicContainer = ({ className, children }: DynamicContainerProps) => { const willChange = useWillChange() const { state } = useDynamicIslandSize() const { size, previousSize } = state const isSizeChanged = size !== previousSize const initialState = { opacity: size === previousSize ? 1 : 0, scale: size === previousSize ? 1 : 0.9, y: size === previousSize ? 0 : 5, } const animateState = { opacity: 1, scale: 1, y: 0, transition: { type: "spring", stiffness, damping, duration: isSizeChanged ? 0.5 : 0.8, }, } return ( <motion.div initial={initialState} animate={animateState} exit={{ opacity: 0, filter: "blur(10px)", scale: 0.95, y: 20 }} style={{ willChange }} className={className} > {children} </motion.div> ) } type DynamicChildrenProps = { className?: string children?: React.ReactNode } const DynamicDiv = ({ className, children }: DynamicChildrenProps) => { const { state } = useDynamicIslandSize() const { size, previousSize } = state const willChange = useWillChange() return ( <motion.div initial={{ opacity: size === previousSize ? 1 : 0, scale: size === previousSize ? 1 : 0.9, }} animate={{ opacity: size === previousSize ? 0 : 1, scale: size === previousSize ? 0.9 : 1, transition: { type: "spring", stiffness, damping, }, }} exit={{ opacity: 0, filter: "blur(10px)", scale: 0 }} style={{ willChange }} className={className} > {children} </motion.div> ) } type MotionProps = { className: string children: React.ReactNode } const DynamicTitle = ({ className, children }: MotionProps) => { const { state } = useDynamicIslandSize() const { size, previousSize } = state const willChange = useWillChange() return ( <motion.h3 className={className} initial={{ opacity: 0, scale: 0 }} animate={{ opacity: size === previousSize ? 0 : 1, scale: size === previousSize ? 0.9 : 1, transition: { type: "spring", stiffness, damping }, }} style={{ willChange }} > {children} </motion.h3> ) } const DynamicDescription = ({ className, children }: MotionProps) => { const { state } = useDynamicIslandSize() const { size, previousSize } = state const willChange = useWillChange() return ( <motion.p className={className} initial={{ opacity: 0, scale: 0 }} animate={{ opacity: size === previousSize ? 0 : 1, scale: size === previousSize ? 0.9 : 1, transition: { type: "spring", stiffness, damping }, }} style={{ willChange }} > {children} </motion.p> ) } export { DynamicContainer, DynamicTitle, DynamicDescription, DynamicIsland, SIZE_PRESETS, stiffness, DynamicDiv, damping, DynamicIslandSizePresets, BlobContext, useDynamicIslandSize, useScheduledAnimations, DynamicIslandProvider, }Show More Usage Import the component in your file and then use it in your page. Ensure the use-webrtc hook is copied over to your project. Note: This component uses Tailwind CSS, make sure to have it installed in your project. "use client"; import React, { useEffect, useState, useRef } from "react"; import { DynamicIslandProvider, DynamicIsland, DynamicContainer, DynamicDescription, DynamicDiv, DynamicTitle, useDynamicIslandSize, SIZE_PRESETS } from "@/components/ui/dynamic-island"; // Adjust import paths as needed import useWebRTCAudioSession from '@/hooks/use-webrtc'; import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button"; import { Loader } from "lucide-react"; // Assuming you have these icons available const DynamicIslandExample = () => { const { handleStartStopClick: toggleCall, isSessionActive, currentVolume: volumeLevel, conversation } = useWebRTCAudioSession('alloy'); const { setSize } = useDynamicIslandSize(); const [isStartingCall, setIsStartingCall] = useState(false); const [isEndingCall, setIsEndingCall] = useState(false); const [timer, setTimer] = useState<NodeJS.Timeout | null>(null); const [isListening, setIsListening] = useState(false); const scrollRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); const [messages, setMessages] = useState<{role: string, text: string}[]>([]); useEffect(() => { if (isSessionActive) { setIsStartingCall(false); if (volumeLevel > 0.002) { setIsListening(false); if (timer) { clearTimeout(timer); setTimer(null); } setSize(SIZE_PRESETS.TALL); } else if (volumeLevel === 0 && !isListening) { if (!timer) { const newTimer = setTimeout(() => { setIsListening(true); setSize(SIZE_PRESETS.COMPACT); }, 1500); setTimer(newTimer); } } if (scrollRef.current) { scrollRef.current.scrollTop = scrollRef.current.scrollHeight; } } else { setIsEndingCall(false); setIsListening(false); if (timer) { clearTimeout(timer); setTimer(null); } setSize(SIZE_PRESETS.DEFAULT); } if(!isSessionActive || isListening){ setSize(SIZE_PRESETS.DEFAULT); } }, [isSessionActive, setSize, volumeLevel, timer]); useEffect(() => { if (conversation) { setMessages(conversation); } }, [conversation]); const handleDynamicIslandClick = async () => { if (isSessionActive) { setIsEndingCall(true); await toggleCall(); setIsEndingCall(false); setSize(SIZE_PRESETS.DEFAULT); } else { setIsStartingCall(true); await toggleCall(); setIsStartingCall(false); setSize(SIZE_PRESETS.DEFAULT); } }; const renderState = () => { if (isStartingCall || isEndingCall) { return ( <DynamicContainer className="flex items-center justify-center h-full w-full"> <Loader className="animate-spin h-12 w-12 text-yellow-300" /> <DynamicTitle className="ml-2 text-2xl font-black tracking-tighter text-white my-2 mr-3"> {isStartingCall ? "Starting" : "Ending"} </DynamicTitle> </DynamicContainer> ); } if (!isSessionActive) { return ( <DynamicContainer className="flex items-center justify-center h-full w-full"> <DynamicTitle className="text-2xl font-black tracking-tighter text-white my-2">Start Call</DynamicTitle> </DynamicContainer> ); } if (isListening) { return ( <DynamicContainer className="flex flex-col items-center justify-center h-full w-full"> <DynamicTitle className="text-2xl font-black tracking-tighter text-white my-2">Listening...</DynamicTitle> </DynamicContainer> ); } return ( <DynamicContainer className="flex flex-col h-full w-full px-4 py-2"> <div ref={scrollRef} className="h-full overflow-hidden"> <DynamicDiv className="flex justify-center w-full h-full"> <div className="size-full bg-cyan-300 rounded-2xl"> <DynamicDescription className="w-full h-full px-3 py-2 items-center justify-center text-center text-white text-sm leading-snug tracking-tight overflow-y-auto"> {conversation?.length > 0 && conversation .filter(m => m.role === 'assistant') .slice(-1)[0]?.text } </DynamicDescription> </div> </DynamicDiv> </div> </DynamicContainer> ); }; return ( <div onClick={handleDynamicIslandClick} className="cursor-pointer"> <DynamicIsland> {renderState()} </DynamicIsland> </div> ); }; const DynamicIslandExampleWrapper = () => { return ( <DynamicIslandProvider initialSize={SIZE_PRESETS.DEFAULT}> <div className="h-full"> <DynamicIslandExample /> </div> </DynamicIslandProvider> ); }; export default DynamicIslandExampleWrapper;Show More